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OWASP Top 🔟 2017

Top 10 Vulns of 2017 in Web

   Every cyber-security enthusiast has once come upon these terms OWASP Top 10.

     The Top 10 here means Top 10 Vulnerablities, the greatest software risks for any Web Application. OWASP is just an online community/non profit foundation that helps to improve the security of software for free.

   To combat said vulnerablities and protect your website, TryHackMe provides a room to pratice these vulnerabilities and teach you about each vulnerability. How it occurs and how to exploit it. Link for the room - THM OWASP Top 10 Room

     I practiced this room a while back and wrote posts on Linkedin on how to solve each challenge. This is a culmination for all those posts in one place.

This is a mind map for all the things that are taught in that room.


(Mindmap much bigger than this. Click THIS)

Day 1 - Injection

Day 2 - Broken Authentication

Day 3 - Data Exposure

Day 4 - XML External Entity

Day 5 - Broken Access Control

Day 6 - Security Misconfiguration

Day 7 - Cross-Site Scripting

Day 8 - Insecure Deserialization

Day 9 - Components with Known Vulnerabilities

Day 10 - Insufficeint Logging and Monitoring

   OWASP Top 10, this is just one of the concepts that one needs to learn in protecting thier application. There are many other vulnerabilites present and all of this can be learned through THM.

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